Match Duel:
Lost the Match [O.X.X]=5 pts
Deck Construction: 18
Deck Count: 5 pts
Deck nonperformance: 3 pts
Consistency: 1 pts
Harmonization: 4 pts
Creativity: 5 pts
A deck based on summoning tokens with the Mecha Phantom Beasts and then tributing them to activate effects is certainly unique. It doesn't work so well when it runs with 14 monsters and the amount of tokens you summon is minimal without Draco-sack. When the deck worked, it worked well. The problem was, the deck couldn't seem to get the monsters it needed (A bit of a problem since they only ran 14). Adding in Machinas was a nice splash, but Fortress only really works when you have plenty of monsters.
Performance: 17 pts
Bit of a misplay on chaining an enemy controller to a torrential tribute. Using creature swap to kill both my Quilla and Scrap Dragon was a good move. You didn't do any siding, so you lost a few points there. Most of the time was spent sitting there when you had a nearly full backrow you couldn't use effectively due to the fact that they required tributes to use and you didn't have any monsters, so you lose some points for that as well.
+2 pts for good attitude
42 points= Slifer Red
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